La Amazonia es un bosque tropical de gran biodiversidad, con veinte especies diferentes de plantas y enorme cantidad de aves, peces, reptiles y mamíferos. Es una de las siete maravillas que el mundo ofrece de modo natural, declarada como tal el 11 de noviembre de 2011, ubicadoa en la cuenca del río Amazonas.
The Amazon is a tropical forest of great biodiversity, with twenty different species of plants and a huge number of birds, fish, reptiles and mammals. It is one of the seven wonders that the world offers naturally, declared as such on November 11, 2011, located in the Amazon River basin.
Me gusta el arte, amo el arte
D es la respuesta correcta!!
I hope this helps
(Say hello and tell them your name. Ask your partner your name.)E
(Saluda y diles tu nombre. Pregúntale a tu pareja tu nombre.)S
(Say hello back and tell them your name. Ask them how they are doing.
(Saluda y diles tu nombre. Pregúnteles cómo les está yendo.
(Tell them how you are doing and say thank you and "and you?"
(Dígales cómo está y diga gracias y "¿y usted?")
(Say "you too" and see you later
(Di "tú también" y nos vemos luego
(Say see you tomorrow!
(¡Di hasta mañana!
<h2>Right answer:</h2><h3>c. había; era</h3><h3 />
This sentence stands for the imperfect tense. This tense is used to talk about past actions, conditions, or events that occurred regularly or frequently or that were in progress in a moment in the past. Había is the conjugation of the verb haber for the third person singular and era is the conjugation of the verb ser for the same person as well. Therefore:
<em>No </em><em>había</em><em> mucho espacio; la casa no </em><em>era</em><em> muy grande.</em>