<span />For the answer to the question above,
Wilson asked Congress this question when he presented
<span><u><em>c</em></u><u><em>. the Treaty of Versailles </em></u></span><span>to them in July 1919.</span>I hope this helps. Have a nice day!
The crafters of the United States constitution wanted a system of government wherein the people had a voice in their ruling but at the same time, the crafters were worried that the people would rule like a mob without checks and that the majority would persecute the minorities in the country.
Both the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists agreed that there were dangers inherent in the system, which is why the crafters created a system with checks and balances on the lawmaking process and a bicameral legislature with a body, the US Senate, whose job is to ensure that cooler heads always prevail.
This shows the influence of thinkers like Edmund Burke, a British philosopher, who advocated for incremental change.
The cost of this is that things do move slowly and sometimes the legislatures misses the ball. The response to this has been a stronger Executive branch with the power to create temporary executive orders but the process is still slow.
The benefit is an incremental system that has lasted longer than any system of Government in the world.
The question is whether or not America's system can adequately work in a time when new challenges and threats are coming every minute.
A strong national government would threaten individual liberty.
Formulation stage of policy making includes promises to the public about new policies.
Option D
The formulation is the suggestion of explications to plan issues. Policy formulation depicting the progression of a plan and explication that addresses the obstacle and that is socially satisfactory and politically appetizing.
Formulation frequently contributes policymakers with numerous options for fixing plan matters. The policy needs to be a real step in resolving the issue most efficiently achievable. The efficient formulation comprises the study and description of dilemmas to resolving issues. Furthermore, policies necessity be politically attainable. In formulation, it is imperative to split the structure down into more inadequate parts and to display the foremost contents to the public
Answer:Chinggis Khan
From the 6th to the 13th century it grew into a city more populous than it is today, changing hands every couple of centuries – Western Turks, Arabs, Persian Samanids, Karakhanids, Seljuq Turks, Mongolian Karakitay and Khorezmshah have all ruled here – before being obliterated by Chinggis Khan in 1220.