Two European empires was dismantled.
Ferdinand of Aragon marries Isabella of Castile in Valladolid, thus beginning a cooperative reign that would unite all the dominions of Spain and elevate the nation to a dominant world power. Ferdinand and Isabella incorporated a number of independent Spanish dominions into their kingdom and in 1478 introduced the Spanish Inquisition, a powerful and brutal force of homogenization in Spanish society. In 1492, the reconquest of Granada from the Moors was completed, and the crown ordered all Spanish Jews to convert to Christianity or face expulsion from Spain. Four years later, Spanish Muslims were handed a similar order.
The most surprising thing for me personally was the set up of the trenches, there is a very good system where the front line is the first to attack or be attacked while the others are there as backups. If someone were to get hurt within the first trench, there are easily accessible routes for the soldiers to take to retreat to safety, on the contrary, if the front lines were in need of any reinforcement whatsoever, there is a clear way to travel for the soldiers to get more ammunition or man power.
Taxes levied on the colonists
Ronald Reagan was a conservative because his ideas dominated national policy-making in areas such as taxes, welfare, defense, the federal judiciary, and the Cold War.