Seventeen-year old best friends Antonio Cruz and Felix Vargas both dream of becoming light-weight boxing champions of the world. They train together and they find out that they will meet in the ring to determine who will fight in the championship tournament. They pledge to fight to win and agree not to meet until the big night, a week away. Then before a roaring crowd, the boys trade punishing blows for three furious rounds. In the end, both are still standing. They rush to embrace and leave the ring arm in arm, not waiting to hear who won
É só ler com atenção, e, se você leu o livro, vai saber de cara, boa sorte mano :)
1. a. General statement to particular thesis.
2. c. Don't give a repetition of facts word for word.
3. a. Fragment - Although he rarely goes. to the mall, to the store, on vacation, to a party, to school.
4. a. Fragment - When the stone hit the window. , it shattered., , the stone bounced off., , my father yelled at me.
5. b. comma-splice - the comma or and not both
6. c. no error
7. b. comma-splice - think, I have ever missed <-------fragmented due to the missing of have (I have never missed my appointment., I may have missed my appointment.)
8. c. no error found
Wow that sounds so cool.
Happy Valentine’s Day :D