PROTEIN → Methionine-Valine-Proline-Stop codon-Stop codon (AUG GUA CCU UAA UGA)
In nucleic acids (i.e., DNA and RNA), base complementarity refers to the interaction between antiparallel strands. In the double helix DNA molecule, adenine always interacts with thymine (uracil in RNA), while cytosine always interacts with guanine. Moreover, amino acids are encoded by codons, i.e., triplets of nucleotides in the messenger RNA (mRNA). Finally, stop codons are triplets of mRNA nucleotides (e.g., UAG, UAA, UGA) that indicates the end of the protein-coding sequence.
Hormones are chemical substances that help to regulate processes in the body. Hormones are secreted by glands and travel to their target organs in the bloodstream. Hormones can be used to control human fertility.
Answer: Drainage or absorption of amniotic fluid
Explanation: Amniotic fluid act as a cushion to a growing foetus and provides the foetus with nutrients and biochemical products from the mother via the blood vessels of the placenta. When the date of baby delivery grows closer the lungs absorbs some of the fluid. Soon after birth the newborn's first step to independence begins with breathing on its own.They gasp and cry taking in air that fills the lungs. This expels the remaining amniotic fluid that was in the lungs and begins its own independent breathing.
From 1901 to 2010, global sea levels rose an estimated 187 millimeters (mm; 7.4 inches), averaging a 1.7 mm rise annually; estimates are that from 1992 to 2010, the rate increased to 3.2 mm annually.