Answer:columnar describes cell shape.
Simple describe the number of layers
Explanation: epithelial tissues are one of the four major tissues of the body.the others being nervous, muscular, connective tissues.
Epithelial tissues are made up of thin cells that cover the external and internal surface of the body.
The cells may form one layer or more and they occur in several shapes.if they form one layer ,it is called simple.if they form several layers,it is called stratified.
Some are called pseudo-stratified because the cells occur with varying lengths and give the impression of stratified but they are actually made up of one layer.
Simple columnar epithelium is a single layer of tall, closely packed cells. They possess cellular extensions ,such as microvilli in the small intestine, or the cilia in the female reproductive tract.
consists of solid rock
bedrock contains only solid rock unless you are talking about a different type of bedrock this bed is called saprolite. saprolite contains severly weathered rock and lies above the solid layer of bedrock
Answer:Filamentous fungi may contain multiple nuclei in a coenocytic mycelium. A coenocyte functions as a single coordinated unit composed of multiple cells linked structurally and functionally, i.e. through gap junctions. Fungal mycelia in which hyphae lack septa are known as "aseptate" or "coenocytic".
Coenocytic cells are present in diverse and unrelated groups of algae, including Xanthophyceae, red algae and green algae.
In the siphonous green algae Bryopsidales and some Dasycladales the entire thallus is a single multinucleate cell, which can be many meters across. However, in some cases, crosswalls may occur during reproduction.
Explanation:The green algal order Cladophorales is characterized by siphonocladous organization, i.e., the thalli are composed of many coenocytic cells.
In contrast to the Cladophorales where nuclei are organized in regularly spaced cytoplasmic domains, the cytoplasm of Bryopsidales exhibits streaming, enabling transportation of organelles, transcripts and nutrients across the plant.
I think it's the simple columnar epithelium.
The kidney is the body system that regulates the acid base balance of the blood.