Enlightenment ideals propagated by the French were influential in causing the American Revolution, and the success of the Americans inspired the French Revolutionaries. ... While not recognized as a 'cause' of the French Revolution, it is clear that the U.S. move for Independence from Britain changed history.
The levels of conflict are divided into five groups:
1. Intrapersonal conflict; it represents a conflict within an individual
2. Interpersonal conflict; it represents a conflict between individuals
3. Intragroup conflict; it represents a conflict within a group
4. Intergroup conflict; it represents a conflict between groups
5. Intraorganizational conflict; it represents a conflict within organizations
Because it involves various stages and personnel and often does not get a bill passed.
The United States legislature was purposely designed to be slower in taking action. This is because the founding fathers wanted to prevent the infringement of citizens' rights and freedoms.
Thereby, the legislature involves various personnel and stages before bills and laws are passed. Also the legislature is bicameral in nature as it requires the passing of House and Senate through debates and votings.
Secret diplomacy was a major factor based on the fact that led to fear between all the nations and confusion. Nationalism and imperialism is a factor, scramble for Africa, Archduke fradana has some ties based that his death lead to more retaliation in the Balkans which wanted to be independents do Austria-Hungary and Russia fought over for.