Egyptian civilization - Religion - Mummification. The ancient Egyptians believed in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. ... For example, the body had to be preserved through mummification and given a properly furnished tomb with everything needed for life in the afterworld.
After the World War II and all of the terrors witnessed through it on ethnic and racial basis, the international community was determined that something like that should never happen again, and that all humans are equal and deserve the same rights.
That benefited the African American population in the United States a lot, as they now had the basis and support with which they were able to push through to gain all of the rights they deserve, thus be equal with all of the rest. That led to the formation of multiple organizations for the rights of the African Americans, widespread propaganda, protests, and eventually it gave a positive result, with the African Americans gaining all of the rights they deserved, but also putting the racism aside in the American society.
They faced racism and also having to fight for a play to show the talent they had. They contributed by give many genres we have today and brought light to the African American within music
They thought two things. A., Earth and Humans were the center of the universe. B., If Earth revolved around the Sun, then stuff would fall of Earth