There was a demand on enslaved people because of the increase of cotton production since the cotton gin was invented.
Alternative service delivery refers to any process that shifts some or all of the functions, risks or responsibilities for delivering a service from the primary government to the private sector or another public entity. When the function is transferred to the private sector it is commonly referred to as privatization.
The answers are:
a. biology - comes from the Greek ''bios'' which means ''life'', and ''logia'' which means ''study of''.
b. physics - comes from the Greek ''physike'' which means ''knowledge of nature''.
c. geography - comes from the Greek ''geographia'' which means ''earth description''.
d. algebra - comes from the Arabic ''al-jabr'' which means ''reunion of broken parts''.
e. philosophy - comes from the Greek ''philosphia'' which means ''love of wisdom''.
the baby boom contributed to economic growth in america