as we know the atomic bomb is known for ending a war but wich war?, well if we rember who helped create it (albert einstien)he was alive during wold war 2 but not by the cold war, he might of ben alive during ww1 but as a child or baby perhaps the only war were he could the atom bom is in ww2. please make me brainleast
The Civil War in the United States was a long and bloody conflict. It was between the North and the South, the two halves that had totally different policies and ambitions for the future. Despite the war being terrible and with lot of people who lost their lives, as all wars, something good came out of it too. The big positive of the Civil War was that it actually managed to preserve the unity between the states, thus creating the mighty United States of America, which eventually became the biggest power house on the planet.
They're the only emirates who have the power to veto over critical matters, and they're an absolute monarchy. They both also make a decent amount of money, just different amounts.