Hatsumōde (初詣, hatsumōde) is the first Buddhist temple or Shinto shrine visit of the Japanese New Year. Many visit on the first, second, or third day of the year as most are off work on those days.
Joseph Chamberlain's speech and Rudyard Kipling's poem “White
man’s burden” have in common: D. Both discuss the responsibilities and sacrifices of imperialism. The phrase “white man’s burden”
implies that imperialism was motivated by desire of white people to uplift
people of color.
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
Socialism and Communism were a response to the social and economic conditions that developed in Europe during the Industrial Revolution because the Industrial Revolution started a notorious economic inequity or disparity in the society. The wealthy owners of the industries became richer, meanwhile, the poor workers became poorer.
Two of the conditions that concerned socialist and communist thinkers were the low salaries that workers earned in the factories and the unhealthy conditions in which they worked. Workers labored for long hours daily under unhealthy conditions that created many risks, and of course, they did not have medical attention or insurance. The places had no ventilation at all and workers had to operate machines that created risks for the untrained workers.
Neutrality was difficult policy in the U.S. to maintain because they were still having business with Europe.
In George Washington's words "A pasionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils".
With this statement, as well as a many others in his famous Farewell Address, what Washington was mainly trying to warn the American people about is that becoming fanatical of any political party or overly-obsessive about geographical divisions would always set-up injustice. The privilege of any Nation always comes at the expense of others when sympathy grows into an illusion of "an imaginary common interest". Also of much importance, alliances must be chosen wisely as to not end up betraying the interests of our own Nation in order to defend these alliances. When they're formed without good justification, we end up wrongly following blind and passionate attachment instead of reason.
Hope this helps out!