(A) A merry go round
This analogy best describes the shape of how the stars located in the galactic disk orbit.
According to many recent scientific studies, it is estimated that our Milky Way has over 200 billion stars, in which most of all are located in the Galactic disk, close to the nucleus and bulge in the center.
The galactic disk is made of a large quantity and percentage of gas and dust as well a huge number of stars, both old and young ones. In this faction of the milky way, the galactic center is orbited by the stars in circular motions, which is due to the interaction with gravity causing some up and down actions mixed with the circular orbits.
Answer: Little is known about this chapter in the history of Baldwin–Felts, but it is known that the company provided guards for railway and mine payrolls and accompanied coal trains into the coalfields. The company investigated train wrecks, robberies, and thefts.
In 1900, he joined the Baldwin Detective Agency as a partner who could provide legal advice to the firm. In 1910, the name of the agency was changed
The U.S internviened for the first time in Venezuela to defended a corrupt regime in Caracas in 1895. When a group called ca udillos, used the military for personal enrichment.
And for Santo Domingo, U.S interviened when Santo Domingo was unable to pay its debts to European countries.
The Constitution reflects seven basic principles. They are popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, federalism, republicanism, and individual rights.
Broadly speaking, Mercantilism was very good for European countries for a while but terrible for their colonies.
Mercantilism made people in the Old World VERY rich.
But, as a result of the imbalance, the relationship between the European countries and their colonies deteriorated making mercantilism good in the short term but bad in the long term.