1- Country A is more at risk because it has fewer types of goods to attract new trade partners.
2- A disadvantage of a representative democracy compared to a direct democracy is that elected officials may not always act in the best interests of those they represent.
3- The least accurate statement is the one that says that a unitary government would likely have several states with powerful state senators.
1- If war breaks out near Country A and Country B, and Country A has a single resource economy while Country B has a diversified economy, Country A would be more at risk because as it only produces one resource, it would be more difficult for it to find new markets where to sell its production.
2- Representative democracy is often presented as the most efficient form of democracy possible in mass societies, arguing that it allows an effective decision by a sufficiently small number of people in the name of the greatest number. The efficiency of the service can be judged based on the metrics of profitability and efficiency over time. Representatives who vote on behalf of the people allow a monetary benefit, since the use of polling stations, vote counters, etc. is reduced. The government is generally responsible for paying the salaries of the representatives and would have to cover the substantial cost of a democracy. Representative democracy has been conceptually associated with historically instantiated by the political system known as "representative government," which was born in the eighteenth century with the French and American revolutions. It is a system in which people choose their legislators (representatives), who are then responsible to them for their activity within the government.
3- A unitary government is a form of government where power is concentrated and there is a single center of power that extends its action throughout the territory of the respective nation through its agents and local authorities, delegates of that same central power. A unitary government is the opposite of a federal government.