In 494 BC the plebians detached and formed their own plebian council. they elected tribunes to protect their rights; with the tribunes they could not vote against unjust laws passed by patricians/the senate. the citizen assembly elected consuls, tribunes, and magistrates, could declare war and ratify peace treaties, and could approve or disapprove laws proposed by the Senate. They created laws that said patricians could no longer rule unjustly against them. Debt bondage was gone, priesthood was available, plebians could be in the Senate - but laws of the Senate apply to all while the citizen assembly's laws only apply to the plebians. (youre lucky im in class w/ my notebook rn lol)
In general, Britain sought to correct its balance of trade with China by decrease its exports and increasing Chinese imports. This angered many merchants in Britain.
Galerius stopped persecution of Christians although not for long. It was not until Constantine signed the Edict of Milan that the persecution came to a cease.