The Mesopotamia were polytheistic when it happened to faith, they believe in various demons and who they pray to be depended on their requirement.
Example used in the text: Marduk primitive male inventor and Adad, the river spirit. The spirits described physical results.
For example: if a person owes wealth and Adad has overwhelmed the man's jurisdiction, the man will not return any tax or pay any attention in that year.
The “Butterfly Effect” is a valid concept whereby a small change to initial conditions in complex systems can lead to huge changes later on. The thought-experiment is that a butterfly flapping its wings in one location can, over time, lead to very different weather in a far distant location, as compared to if the butterfly had not flapped its wings. This term initially arose when an early experiment in weather simulation models showed a vastly different outcome when the simulation was restarted with values whose changes were below anything that could be measured at the time in reality — thus showing that effects too small to detect can magnify.
The “Mandela Effect”, on the other hand, is a fetid pile of dingo’s kidneys that is a fancy way of noting human memory is fallible and that false memories are reinforced through repetition. The human brain has a bad case of “sunk cost” fallacy, and rather than admit to itself it has been remembering something incorrectly for decades, would rather believe in parallel universe intruding into daily life on a regular basis. (The human brain is also lazy, or if you prefer, “efficient”, so it merges similar memories together, thus freeing up some storage space for other things and improving search time. For most of our actual needs, “close enough” works; it doesn’t matter that Kirk never actually said “Beam me up, Scotty” in the original series.)
The French Revolution.
This is my favorite Revolution due to it being an important time period for much of Europe. After assisting America in its infancy, the French revolted against their own government after it became too financially unstable, and bankrupt, to afford living wages for its citizens despite still affording finery for the upper-class. This sparked outrage, and a group of peasant-class petitioners, led by a Mister Robespierre, violently stormed the castle and rounded up the aristocrats to bring them to their inevitable demise.
Henry Knox was a man born in Boston, Massachusetts, who was a military officer in the Continental Army as well as in the United States Army. He became the United States Secretary of War in 1789, and continued until 1794.
A word to describe Henry Knox would be brave, as he fought in many wars, and was even an officer.
~Hope this helped!~