ne pas
n' pas
ne joue passs
I’m just going to translate read the response. Transform the question and listen to verify
I would use Sont since in a classroom females and males and since it’s a mix of the box and a group of people not counting yourself it would be ils and so using that ils verb is sont
1. Quel jour est-ce que tu as examen de physique? ( What day is your Pysics exam? )
b. Mardi. ( Tuesday )
2. À quelle heure est-ce que tu as maths? ( What time do you have Math? )
e. À deux heures de l’après-midi ( At 2 p.m )
3. Comment est ton cours de biologie? ( How is your Biology class?)
d. Il est difficile. ( It’s hard/difficult )
4. C’est comment l’EPS? ( How is PE? )
c. D’après moi c’est cool. ( According to me/ In my opinion, it’s cool )
5. Ça te plaït, la géographie? ( Do you like Geography?)
a. Oui! Je trouve ça fascinant! ( Yes, I find it fascinating/ amazing!)
; )
I don’t even know but I think actually it’s the first one