What period are you talking about?
Seu início foi marcado pela queda do Império Romano do Ocidente, em 476, e o fim, pela tomada de Constantinopla pelos turcos em 1453. Os humanistas do século XV e XVI chamavam a Idade Média de Idade das Trevas.
Nuclear Station (If its an object a nuclear weapon)
It may show people in 3021 about our weapons and this can be seen by some after effects such as thermal radiation. Unlike conventional explosions, a single nuclear explosion can generate an intense pulse of thermal radiation that can start fires and burn skin over large areas. In some cases, the fires ignited by the explosion can coalesce into a firestorm, preventing the escape of survivors.
There are other affects such as damage to the ozone layer. In addition, the ozone layer, which protects the surface of the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation, would be depleted by 40% over many inhabited areas and up to 70% at the poles.
B) how the colonists could hold the hill
The discovery of gold and mining on the West led to a railroad boost as more and more people were moving there in the hopes of becoming rich. The growth the West was experiencing ultimately led to the Federal Government pressuring the Nez Perce (natives of Wallowa Valley) to give up their homeland to them. Natives followed their tribe leader, Chief Joseph, and refused to be forced onto a reservation, so they walked for 1400 miles attempting to reach Canada, but meeting their sad end when they encountered the US Army and battled them in the Nez Perce War.