Most texans live in cities and suburbs.
Mainly through better advancement in technology and our understanding of engineering. What with us going from living in caves to making wooden homes to now living in steel and concrete.
Angered over American support of the rivals for mexico
Angered over American support of his rivals for the control of Mexico, the peasant-born revolutionary leaderPancho Villa attacks the border town of Columbus, New Mexico. In 1913, a bloody civil war in Mexico brought the ruthless general Victoriano Huerta to power.
Los Hijos de la Libertad (Sons of Liberty en inglés) fue una organización de patriotas americanos que surgieron en las colonias británicas de América del Norte. El grupo estaba formado para proteger los derechos de los colonos y para manifestarse contra los abusos del gobierno británico. Son especialmente conocidos por su participación en el Motín del té en Boston en 1773 en reacción contra el Acta del Té, que causaron las Leyes intolerables (una campaña de represión del Gobierno Británico), y una contra-movilización de patriotas.
C) agriculture was an important part of the economy
The early Indus River Valley and the early Chinese (Shang) civilizations were similar because they were located near a river and as a result of this, the surrounding areas were rich in nutrients which made it easier for agriculture to develop into an important part of the economy.