He had started to doubt himself, unsure of how and why the ghost had appeared and for what purpose.
Act I of William Shakespeare's tragic play "Hamlet" shows the young prince Hamlet meeting his dead father's ghost for the first time. And then came the revelation by the former King's ghost of how he had been murdered. This revelation took Hamlet by surprise but also made him vow to exact revenge on the culprit.
When Hamlet said <em>"it is an honest ghost",</em> he was fully sure of what he had been told by the ghost. But later on, he again said <em>"The spirit that I have seen may be the devil"</em>, implying that he's starting to question the whole situation. Earlier, he had been so much consumed with grief about his father's death that when the ghost came, he was fully co-operative with the plan and the story. But later on, when he isn't with the ghost and had time to think more clearly, he began to doubt his own decision.
Yes, because now I have read this and want to know what your project is about!
It captures my attention.
Its the exclamation mark;)
Because the host discovered it was futile to keep talking with the guest.
This is a very common behavior after the subject identifies a strong limitation between dialogue. It points out ignorance or the lack of ability to observe a phenomenom from a different perspective. Therefore it is very difficult to create a debate without any bias between both. It is frustrating because the person unable to analyze the phenomenom from another perspective will die to let you know that he or she is correct. But it is because of his or her inability to see the event far away from his or her centered point of view.
Exaggeration - The girl took 3 years in the mall just for an example. The sentence is exaggerating how long she took in the mall.