B. Afghanistan
After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Soviet Union incorporated most of Central Asia; only Mongolia and Afghanistan remained nominally independent, although Mongolia existed as a Soviet satellite state and Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan in the late 20th century.
The BEST answer is:
d. Gautama believed that he could best help others by giving up his wealth.
While there certainly is truth to answer C (as selected by the other respondent), Siddhartha Gautama's view toward wealth was more than a passive realization that it did not bring happiness. Even more so it was an active view that translated into action, giving up one's wealth to benefit others. He said of wealth, "A kind man who makes good use of wealth is rightly said to possess a great treasure; but the miser who hoards up his riches will have no profit."
Siddhartha Gautama is known as "The Buddha" (the "Enlightened One"). The details about his life history are debated by scholars, but we know the historical personage of Siddhartha Gautama as a teacher in ancient India around the 5th or 6th century BC. Buddhism is patterned after his teachings.
Benjamin Franklin served in the Second Continental Congress and helped draft the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Benjamin also negotiated the 1783 Treaty of Paris that ended the Revolutionary war.
Faking illness was a common method of slave resistance to enforced labor
Lincoln hated popular sovereignty because it was used to have power over slaves. It was intended to support the people from having their slaves and bringing them to different places that they wanted without any restrictions. It ties the slaves to an obligation of having a master. It was a confused principle used to justify slavery.