Elongated hyphens in this excerpt are most likely used
To indicate an approval of the normal flow of ideas
The answer would be A. It’s the most concise because of the details given within the sentence. The mother, who’s mother? Your mother. Supports the arts. What does she support? The arts. What arts does she support? Literature. It is more detailed than any other sentence listed here.
Answer: option (D).
Explanation: Nicholas fiddled with his thumbs, because, he didn’t dare look at his sister as she towered over him.
Commas are mostly used to divide or separate parts of a sentence in order to make the meaning clear and the sentence easier to read. Commas mark a brief pause in the sentence, usually at a point where you would naturally pause if you were speaking rather than writing.
Preston's birthday
Preston's birthday because bbefore is the preposition and the object is Preston's birthday