The correct answer is D. Based on the Supreme Court's ruling in Tinker v. Des Moines School District, the students would be allowed to wear T-shirts supporting a political candidate, as the T-shirts do not disrupt school activities.
The ruling in Tinker v. Des Moines stated that the combination of the First and Fourteen Amendments to the Constitution of the United States did not allow a public school to punish its students for the use of political symbols, since this was a type of indirect discourse protected by the First Amendment that did not obstruct the normal functioning of the school activity.
Applying the same precedent, the students must be authorized to wear the T-shirts, as they would not be affecting the normal school activity.
Missiles. Soviets developed ICBM could reach U.S. and carried nuclear weapons, space, CIA used U-2 aircraft that flew so high they couldn't be shot down but was shot down in 1960.