Free markets based on supply and demand is an application of natural law to the government's role in the economic lives of it's citizens.
USAR (Urban Search And Rescue) is an organization who is dedicated to the location, extraction from dangerous sites and subsequent stabilization of people who have been in the site of a building collapse.
This organization helped victims during the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995 and also made great efforts during the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. Among these efforts were bringing relatives of the victims of the Oklahoma City bombing to New York City in order to provide grief counseling after the terrorist attacks of 09/11/2011.
1. Kristallnacht - 3. "The Night of the Broken Glass".
2. Auschwitz - 4. "The most infamous concentration camp".
3. Nuremberg Laws - 1. Proclaimed jews to be second class.
4. Nazi Propaganda Ministry - 2. Spread pro-Nazi policies and ideas.
The Environmental Protection Agency headquarters in Washington, D.C. In 1970, in response to the welter of confusing, often ineffective environmental protection laws enacted by states and communities, President Richard Nixon created the EPA to fix national guidelines and to monitor and enforce them.