I haven't read it so I can only guess based on what you've shown us. It sounds as though earlier on in the story, Annemarie wanted to be involved in some sort of potentially dangerous activity. Later on, I assume she witnessed someone else get hurt or realized the true danger of the activity and realized she's actually glad she isn't involved in a harmful way. The inference I can make is that her opinion on the dangerous activity, whatever it may be, has changed due to someone or something else's suffering.
This might not even be correct since I don't know what the reading is from, but I hope this at least helps you make your own inference of whatever the reading was.
Union troops bombarded Confederate forts, Union forces sustained heavy causalties.
In the middle of the night of April 24, Admiral David Farragut led a fleet of 24 gunboats, 19 mortar boats and 15,000 soldiers in a daring run past the forts. Now, the river was open to New Orleans except for the ragtag Confederate fleet. The mighty Union armada plowed right through, sinking eight ships.
A subject is the word, usually in a form of nouns, that is being talked about in the sentence. A subject can either be simple or compound. In the given sentence above, the subject is the word "we". And "we" is the direct doer of the action word "invite".
Is a fictional private detective created by the British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle