Studying in a public place like a station or bus is the worst. And studying in a library or home is the best. studying in a bus or station is worst because there are, at most times, noisy people around. The more unnecessary noise the less focused you are. And studying at home or a library is way better. The library is quiet so you wouldn't have to worry about not concentrating; being at home may be better because the familiar surroundings keep you comfortable.
Can you tell me what I'm writing a summery about?
The current wildfires in California are a major cataclysm that have affected not only California by costing them thousands in repairs and lives, but the United States as a whole country was affected.
It made sense, I guess I don't know? Hope this helped
Just pick your favourite song, google the lyrics for it, fill in the writer's name in the line after "writer:", then do the same for the performer but with the performers name. explain why it's your favourite song and what it makes you feel.
then below, pick out a line in the song and put it down, and on the other side, explain what it makes you feel. example : "I'm nothing special, in fact, I'm a bit of a bore." (by abba) ——— it makes me feel understood? like I can relate? (or something like that, you know.) then do so for the rest of the boxes.
then, put in a rhyming line and explain why you like it. next, describe the beat of the song. is it fast? slow? smooth? is it something you can dance to? does it sound energetic? does it sound calming? then explain why it makes you feel that way.
lastly, describe the singer's voice in the song. are they singing clearly? or in a low voice? a high voice? then explain how it makes you feel. does it make you feel calm? does it send shivers? does it make you remind you of someone else?
i hope this helped! xx