You are finally at the stage of the software life cycle where you begin programming. What is this stage called?
B.) Open Office Impress
The options are:
A.) Open Office Writer
B.) Open Office Impress
C.) an outline
D.) photographs
Out of the above, the Impress is used for doing complex presentation, and its one of the best tool for it like PowerPoint. Its quite the same as PowerPoint, and it supports both ppt format as well as odp or the open document presentation format. You can make very complex presentations with the help of the Open office Impress.
A) True
Java provides collections architecture or framework used to store and manipulate a group of objects or collections.
The collection framework has interfaces which include; Set, Queue, Deque, List, as well as classes which include; Hashset, ArrayList, LinkedList, LinkedHashset, PriorityQueue, Vector and TreeSet.
There are also many methods declared in the collection interface which include; add(), addAll(), remove(), removeAll(),retainAll(), clear(), size(), iterator(), toArray() etc