This is true because you can go and check yourself in Word and you can click on an image and the sizing handles will appear.
hope that helps :)
Recording and publishing training videos for new employees
Multimedia specialists design and create IT-based multimedia products such as websites, DVDs, and computer games that combine text with sounds, pictures, graphics, video-clips, virtual reality and digital animation
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string in;//string in for taking input...
cout<<"Do you want to continue ?"<<endl;
getline(cin,in);//taking input from the user...
if(in=="y"||in=="Y"||in=="yes"||in=="OK"||in=="Why not?")//conditions..
else if(in=="No")
cout<<"Bad input"<<endl;
return 0;
I have taken a string in.
Then taking input from user.
Checking the conditions using if else if ladder.
Webcast is the live broadcast of a video or audio feed from your event or conference harnessing the internet. Webcast is a media presentation of an event circulated over the internet by using media technology to distribute a single source to various viewers.
Generally, webcast is briefly defined as broadcasting over the internet. The broadcast might not be specifically live . One can capture the video or the audio he or she wants to publish and publish it online anywhere. Webcast allow your viewers to remain engage as if they are face to face with the broadcaster.
Webcasting is a a great tools that has been used by various multinational and company to reach wide range of audience . This web based broadcast can even provide opportunity for audience to ask question and even provide answers in real time.