The statement "doing less is an ideal that we should embrace" may have been adopted by some people who have been successful in their choices. However, these people are rare cases, it is not easy and recurring to be successful and reach your goals in establishing a path of dedication and effort. Doing less does not guarantee that we will succeed, we must always seek, learn and fight for what we want.
We can use as an example the success story of Bill Gates, where this statement does not fit. We can find several testimonials about how Gates and his team worked (sometimes exhaustively) to establish the success of his company.
The counter argument is convincing in that it brings a concrete example of someone who worked to get what he has, as well as presenting arguments that can be identifiable with the present day.
High blood pressure, or Hypertension, is very common especially in adults. It has no symptoms unless blood levels are life-threatningly high. Symptoms include headaches and nosebleeds, though these are very rare. Getting your blood pressure checked regularly is a good way of preventing and controlling this illness but, there are better ways of doing this such as eating home cooked meals instead of McDonalds' every day. Home economics classes would teach us that and more. We would learn how to make sure our houses stay clean and how to buy a house with a mortgage, if we could afford it. A home economics class would make sure every high school student left with a sense of confidence knowing what is necessary to survive in a modern day economy, something that most high school graduates don't feel when they leave. There you go. One paragraph down, about three to go!
Dolly has discovered his affair with the family's governess, and the household and family are in turmoil.
A classic in English Literature, Animal Farm written by Orwell is a critique of the revolution in Russia. Orwell was a staunch believer of socialist ideals. He believed that the Russians understood these in an opposite way.
In this novella, Orwell wrote his ideas and thoughts of how few perspectives on certain decisions can make a historic change, can have a historic impact through a group of pigs that congregate and stand for their rights against 'brainworkers' as the pigs called them.
Orwell always believed that these differences in communities, creed and authoritative occupations will have a negative impact on a democratic economy where socialist ideals are said to be followed.
Squealer, the Porker, is shown as a person who keeps reminding animals of their experiences and situations that make them recollect moments which can make them brave and stand up for their rights. He has an influence on others' minds.