rapid burial
absence or limited oxygen
undistributed by geological forces
In the ear, the sound waves enter through the auditory canal and hit the eardrum (tympanic membrane). The eardrum amplifies the sound and the waves move on to the middle ear, where three bones called the ossicles (malleus, incus, and stapes) amplify the sound further and vibrate. Then, the sound waves go to the cochlea where tiny hairs and other receptors turn the sound waves into a nerve impulse. This impulse is sent to the brain via the auditory nerve and interpreted by the brain.
<span>An animal with these such features would be well suited to live in environment like the rain forest. Its long limbs and tail would allow it to swing from tree to tree, and also reach up into the trees to gather food. The hand-like paws would make climbing easier, and allow the animals to grab food from higher places.</span>
<span>The nearness of an indwelling urinary catheter and a
ceaseless bladder water system are standard postoperative desires after a TURP;
they accommodate hemostasis and urinary discharge. A stomach entry point and
dressing are available with a suprapubic, not transurethral, prostatectomy.
After a TURP the customer at first can expect hematuria and some blood
coagulations; the persistent bladder water system keeps the bladder free of
clumps and the catheter patent.</span>