Yo diría que sí, ya que puede ser muy difícil para algunos quieren cambiar la psicología cuando se trata de su obesidad.
Las personas con sobrepeso u obesidad a menudo tienen problemas de salud que pueden aumentar el riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca. Estos problemas de salud incluyen presión arterial alta, colesterol alto y azúcar en la sangre alta.
lo siento, mi español no es el mejor
Health Information Management professionals may choose to get a credential from AHIMA.
CMS is the organization that oversees Medicare and Medicaid.
EHR products are certified for effectiveness by CCHIT.
Health Information Management (HIM) professionals obtain, analyse, protect traditional and digital medical information to provide quality patient care. They may choose to get a credential from <em>The American Health Information Management Association.</em>
The <em>Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services</em> is a Federal government office. It supervises the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Electronic Health Record is a record of health-related information of individuals which complies with nationally recognized interoperability standards. All authorized clinicians and staff across more than one health care organizations can create, manage and consult it. The effectiveness of EHR products is further certified by the <em>Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology.