I will keep going
See this is just the duration of five months
These five months you may not get any payment
But the main thing you recieve is experience and practice
Which shall help you in further future
It is grammar. Just search Google.
Google has a document like that with the answers
There are three types:
-Patriotic poetry
-Anti-war poetry
-Witness poetry
Patriotic poetry usually honors soldiers who fight in defense of their countrymen and to bring peace.
Anti-war poetry depicts war as a source of misery and shows futility of soldier's deaths and sacrifices they make.
Witness poetry is written by those, who were not fighting, but nevertheless experience war first hand. It is usually written by civilians.
The correct answer is "It provides comic relief at a tense moment". Using certain expressions into your writing is an effective way to make your work more creative. Used correctly, this kind of expressions can amplify messages in a way that draws readers in and helps to awaken their senses.