Hello there! On both cartoons violates the liberty to vote stated on article 21 and partly on article 22.
The first cartoon titled "Woman's Suffrage before 1920" we can see that the majority of states allowed women to vote, but at that year the country was not still equal applying equality on all states.
The second cartoon shows an irregularity on voting when the guy on the left says that "they used his confession against himself" inferring that the government buys votes and sometimes bribes citizens.
Article 21 states that "Everyone has the right to take part in government and freely chose their representatives" and article 22 states that "as a member of society has the right of social security and its entitled realization and satisfaction to develop freely his/her personality".
These two cartoons violate the liberty to vote, giving the government and/or public organizations the control to take away the citizen's liberty to choose their representatives.
it says what is the purpase of the passage . D is inncorrect because it tells no steps of increasing the population . C is inncorrect because you aren't comparing any creatures . A is probably incorrect because there aren't just events . It is probably B