thorns are sharp
just like my heart
very cold and dark
i dont know it kinda sucks but here you go
Macbeth is confident because of a prophecy that says that a man born of a woman cannot kill him. This is why he has courage to go to battle against Malcolm and Macduff.
However, when Macduff tells him he was born by cesarean section, Macbeth loses his confidence. He realizes he can lose the battle and declines to fight Macduff. In the end, Macduff defeats Macbeth and takes his head to Malcolm.
- By entering Samara's thoughts, the point of view allows readers to understand her motives for taking action.
- The passage would contain scenes at the library and the zoning meeting, but would not show how Samara got the idea for a park.
The story is told from the point of view of Samara and allows the reader to enter into her thoughts to understand why she does what she does. For instance, the reader is able to understand that she got the idea for the park from seeing children play in cramped spaces and from seeing Mrs. Yang having only a limited space to plant vegetables.
If the story had being from the point of view of Wanda, the reader would not know why Samara came up with an idea for the park as Samara did not tell her in the story. It would also only show scenes at the library and the zoning meeting because those are places where Wanda and Samara interacted.
That the blackberry did something horrible to the hardware Lol XD
On is the only preposition in this sentence. A preposition shows location, such as, on, over, beside, etc.