1, 2: there are no taxes on brought in gods, the money, the workforce and the goods can stream within the borders of the EU freely and in this way the whole EU is more competitive in an international level
3,4:the western part of the EU more developed due to the inherited capitalist economy and Marshall plan by the USA, while the post communist more backward because of the ex communist industrial economy and because of the fact that they had to change to capitalist
Not all the countries have euro within the EU just the more developed nations with few exceptions like Sweden and therfore the EU is not united in this front as well
The correct answer is - a rise in the total amount of goods and services produced within the borders of a nation.
The economic growth is is defined by the economic activity of the nation, how much is it producing, as well as the quality of the production, of both goods and services within its borders.
If a nation starts to produce more goods, and has where to sell those goods, that automatically, the nation is making bigger profit by having and influx of money in its economy. The same goes for the services, if they are increasing and their quality is becoming better (which is a huge factor for the increase), more and more money will flow into this sector, thus giving it a big economic injection for the nation.
C. Resource partitioning of the seeds reduces competition, and the five different species can live in the same tree
Generally, living organisms tend to compete for resources such as food and water. However, to restrict competition, resource partition is used. Resource partitioning is the breaking down of scarce resources to prevent competition in a niche. Therefore, as a result of resource partition that occurs due to limited resources, the competition among the species is reduced.