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Because LBJ, under the Tolkien Resolution, was given basically infinite power to protect U.S interests in Vietnam. Thus, President Johnson continued to "escalate", or build up American forces, weapons, and intervention in Vietnam. Now, somewhat opposite of this would be "Vietnamization" under Nixon, which was the gradual withdrawal of American troops but a continuation of supplies in order to aid South Vietnam from the Vietcong.
The content of Dr. King’s speech, his inspiring presence, and the moment in history all came together to make the iconic “I Have A Dream” speech the defining moment of the American Civil Rights Movement. But there are several other reasons why this speech, delivered over 50 years ago, remains an example of one of the best speeches in American history.
Since part of my job is to help people become better presenters, I’ve noticed several techniques that we can all learn from and be inspired by in this magnificent speech.
In most cases, you can’t handpick the spot to give a presentation, as MLK did for supreme symbolic effect when he stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and echoed the opening words of the Gettysburg Address (“Five score years ago . . . ). But you absolutely can amplify your message by adapting it to your setting and location.
Think about place, and how you can weave imagery, anecdote, and historical context into your presentation. Even if you’re presenting essentially the same material in Annapolis and Anaheim, it’s worth exploring what inspiration you can draw from each location to make your overall presentation more unique, more tailored, and more memorable. Abraham Lincoln also incorporated context in his iconic speech.
Mestizos and Indians led the fight for independence. Miguel Hidalgo called for a revolt against Spanish rule. Creoles united with the Spanish government to put down this revolt by the lower class, whom they feared. Creoles won. A new government took power. Fearing that they would lose their rights this time.
What was introduced was the
Contract with America, a document by Newt Gingrich, with the ideas
in part by the Heritage Foundation think tank, whose goal was among many to
reduce the scale and influence of the federal government and introduce lower
taxes with the goal of increasing the opening of new businesses.