1. I always ch*at online while <u><em>doing</em></u> my homework, <u><em>making</em></u> my parents really angry. I tell them I can do both, but I just can't get through to them!
2. | didn't do much this weekend. I was at home <u><em>arguing</em></u> with my brother. He can annoy me by just by <u><em>looking </em></u>at me! Is that normal?
3. A friend lent me a presentation <u><em>saved</em></u> on a flash drive. It <u><em>being</em></u> her only copy, she told me to be really careful, but I accidentally reformatted the flash drive, <u><em>meaning</em></u> the presentation's gone. Any advice?
4. There's a group of students at school <u><em>calling</em></u> me names. And when I got home today, there were some really terrible comments <u><em>posted</em></u> on my page. I felt really upset after <u>readin</u>g them. What's the best way to stand up for yourself in these situations?
This literally makes no sense
its a personification? or a hyperbole...
We conducted a study at the privately owned El Zota Biological Field Station in Costa Rica to assess the effects of forest management techniques on primate ecology and behavior. While many conservation-oriented studies note the need for “corridors” to promote dispersal between isolated habitat fragments, few studies provide quantitative information on their use by primates. From July to August 2002, we studied the three primate species that occur at the El Zota Biological Field Station in Costa Rica — Cebus capucinus, Ateles geoffroyi, Alouatta palliata — to compare their use of planted versus naturally forested areas. We collected approximately 25 hours of data to quantify the general activities exhibited by primates in these types of habitat.
Past Participle: Jaffa has run in more than a dozen marathons.
The past participle of the verb "run" is "run."