In the words of my pottery teacher, anybody that makes art is an artist. So with the drawings you’re making now, you’re an artist. Your drawings might not look like Da Vinci, but that’s because he practiced for years and years to get his work to where he wanted it. The key to getting better at art is really just practicing. Practice as much as you can. Read or watch guides, you could probably even practice with a “how to draw” book. Just keep practicing, and you’ll get better. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re just learning, and you’re trying to get better. Be nice to yourself. I wish you the best!
Vert skaters: Tas Pappas, Andy Mac and Danny way.
Street skaters: Nyjah Huston, Chris Cole and Paul Rodriguez.
Maria and Tony are the star crossed lovers
Hello! I know that it's not the Middle Ages or the 20th century, because the Middle Ages didn't have much of any known composers, and it happened later than in the 20th century. The Renaissance is a time where smarts came about. Classical did have well known composers and noble figures emerge, but this also happened some in the Baroque period. It's definitely one of those two. Personally, I would say Classical period, because that's really where the most famous came in. The Classical era had some of the most famous composers of all time like Mozart, Beethoven, and Tchaikovsky, but the Baroque period also had some famous composers like Bach, Telemann, and Handel, as well as noble figures like Queen Elizabeth I, and other nobilities. I partially want to say Baroque, but I think it's Classical due to the fame of most of them. I think it's A: Classical period.
The piece is scored for two solo pianos and a small orchestra of flute, piccolo, clarinet, xylophone, glass harmonica (usually replaced these days by celesta or glockenspiel in performance), and strings. This Carnival is a humorous, often parodistic work.Aug 23, 2009