introduces a premature stop codon into the mRNA
A nonsense mutation is a mutation in which an amino acid–specifying codon is changed into a termination codon or stop codon. A stop codon is a codon that does not code for any amino acid and serves to terminate the process of protein synthesis as ribosomes encounter it on the mRNA.
There are three stop codons: UAA, UAG, UGA. A nonsense mutation introduces a stop codon in place of an amino acid encoding codon. It results in the formation of truncated protein which is shorter than the normal protein. Truncated proteins are mostly nonfunctional.
The most vocal reptile ARE THE CROCODILES.
Crocodiles use different types of calls, smells and water behavior to communicate with one another. Scientists have discovered that some species of crocodiles can pass across up to twenty messages using sound alone. The sounds made can be used to signify threat, distress or it can be used to attract others for courtship purpose. Crocodiles also communicate through smells and through water behaviors.
A biologist wants to know whether a plant's growth is affected by the material it's planted in. She plants lima bean seeds in a jar of dirt, a jar of cotton, and a jar of rocks, then provides each jar with equal amounts of water, plant food, and sunlight. In this experiment, the independent variable is the material in which the plant is getting planted.
The independent variables are the variable that are in control of the experimenter. The independent variables do not depend on the other variable for their selection. The changes in a dependent variable is studied by varying the independent variable accordingly.
Answer: When a plant is exposed to light, photons of appropriate wavelength will strike and be absorbed by the pigment-protein complexes arrayed on the thylakoid membranes. When this happens, the energy of the photon is transferred to the pigment molecule, thus causing the pigment to go into an electronically excited state. :)
Answer: Yes you do
Explanation: I know you do