I would recommend that Samuel takes Vitamin C and D but not necesarily from a supplement. He needs a nutritional diet nonetheless and needs to cut excess sodium out of his diet. I would have him return bimonthly for workups.
Hernias are caused by a combination of muscle weakness and strain. Depending on its cause, a hernia can develop quickly or over a long period of time. some causes of muscle weakness would be like failure of the abdominal wall to close properly in the womb, which is a congenital defectagechronic coughingdamage from injury or surgery
The answer is Cardiogenic shock.
This is a 58-year-old patient, aware that she has acute chest pain and shortness of breath. She is very anxious and says she will die. The physical examination is cold, pale, sweaty and with a weak, rapid and irregular pulse. SOP: 90% .92 / 60. Crepites in both lung fields. It is a cardiogenic shock. Urgent handling.