<em>Schizotypal </em>
Schizotypal personality disorder (STPD) <em>is a mental illness distinguished by serious social anxiety, mood dysfunction, emotional lability, derealization, temporary psychotic symptoms, and sometimes bizarre views.
Generally speaking, they don't know how relations form or how their conduct affects others.
They might also misunderstand the motives and behaviors of others and create substantial mistrust of others.
Predicting behavior
Predicting behavior in psychology helps to have insight to human behavior that has not undergone test,it gives insight of the underlying reasons behind of human actions. Sometimes psychologist make use of "predictive model" in acheiving these.
It should be noted that the goal of psychology that researcher focused when psychologist are interested in studying the risk factors that lead to delinquency in adolescence, is Predicting behavior
Río Grande
After flowing through Colorado and New Mexico, the Rio Grande forms part of the Mexico-United States border.
Individual citizens have the freedom to take risks and improve their lives.
<u>Most essential reason for the success of capitalism as an economic system is the freedom an individual has to take risks</u> to further their own station in life. The risk taker may or may not become successful but this freedom allows for great social mobility.
<u>Improvement of lives through fiscal development is allowed for in capitalism the best</u> as it ascertains rights in the market to people who can use them correctly to gain advantages for themselves.
The first one (find attached)
Amado Peña Jr. was born in Laredo, Texas. He is of Mexican and Yaqui heritage. He is well known as an Artisan and he tribe is Pascua Yaqui of Arizona.
He loves art more than any other thing and he been in the profession for more than 30 years with a lot success stories and achievements. He has holding exhibitions in different parts of the US.
Pena obtained both his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Art and Education form then Texas A & I which now known as Texas A & M in Kingsville.
The distinguishing characteristics of the work of Amado Peña Jr. is that is always bold in color and form, it is embedded with dynamic composition. Draws most of the inspiration for hid art from land as well Acoma, Canyon de Chelly, Monument Valley, and among others.
One of his works is the first option in the question which is reattached to this work. The name of the work of art is "La Cosecha" in Spanish which means "The Harvest" in English.