This refers to the Enclosure movement which was prominent in
Britain from the 18th century to the 19th century. Enclosure
means to divide or consolidate the communal lands and small holding into what
we now see as one big farm which was owned by an individual. This meant that the
villagers could no longer, as they could before that, use that land to raise
livestock among other things.
I have friends that are male and female it doesn't matter what gender they are it counts if they are nice to you are just plain out rude
Increasing democratization is the factor contributing to the acceleration of globalization.
- In globalization political participation gets the increase.
- It also reduces inequality.
- It also increases the levels of education in poor countries.
- It explains the political changes in the country.
- It depends upon factors such as the economy, history, and civil society.
- It makes leaders more accountable to the citizen.
- It removes the unusual transaction in political participation.
- It plays a major role in education and economic development.
- The important benefits of globalization are the lower cost of living, more wealth in the world.