The polar ice caps will melt and the sea levels will rise which could possibly drown some islands and parts of countries
Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam was a famous philosopher/humanist who developed the "Philosophy of Christ". It was a book that was directed at the "common man" who needed spiritual guidance. Erasmus defines the Christian life as a war against the temptations of the world. A Christian needs to rely on the knowledge of the Bible and prayer to conquer the fight against worldly temptations. In summary, it is a treatise which expounds the view that Christianity must become a way of life, and a true Christian must allow Christ's spirit to filter through to every part of his life.
Private ownership and free markets.
(You're welcome!)
He invited both groups and worked in arbitration.
The Strike carried out by the United Mine workers of America in the coalfields of Pennsylvania. Miners demanded for shorter workdays, higher wages and the recognition of their union. They also threatened to stop the coal supply to American cites. It was winter during the time of strike and most of the houses in US were heated with anthracite coal. To end the strike US Federal Government acted as a neutral arbitrator and the miners got 10 percent hike in their wages and the working hours were reduced from ten to nine hours. The owners also received a better price for their coal. It was the first dispute in which Federal government involved itself.