South plantation owners would be your answer.
Kipling is pro colonialism. He thinks that colonialism is important for the empire.
Answer: En esencia, fue la desconfianza entre —y la militarización de— la informal «Triple Entente» (Gran Bretaña, Francia y Rusia) y la secreta «Triple Alianza» (Alemania, el Imperio austrohúngaro e Italia). ... Austria-Hungría culpó a Serbia por el ataque. Rusia respaldó a su aliado, Serbia.
Frederick Douglass hoped in the future there would be
equality for all races. To achieve this dream, Douglass believed that education
was the key to attaining equality and bright future for Black Americans. Though Andrew Jackson was a slave holder, he
too had hopes for the future of the United States. This was through expansion. Jackson believed that it was America’s
destiny to rule over the entire continent.
This was later carried out by President Polk who promoted westward
A, B, and D.</h2>
<em>Yugoslavia had a communist government but resisted Soviet control,</em>
<em>When Hungarians tried to gain independence, the Soviet Union sent in tanks to crush the revolt</em>
<em>The United States sent aid to Greece and Turkey to prevent communism from spreading to those countries.</em>