Diagram of the chromosome is attached below.
A fruit fly has gray body and vestigial wings is crossed with a fly with black body and normal wings. These chromosomes represent the pair of homologous chromosomes. These genes are linked gene and present on the same chromosome.
The cross shown below shows the parental generation of the fruit fly.
Mitochondria and chloroplasts reproduce independently from the cell. b. Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their own ribosomes. c. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have DNA that resembles bacterial DNA. d. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are much larger than prokyoktoes
Ectoparasites are organisms that live on the skin of a host, from which they derive their sustenance. The phylum Arthropoda includes the two-winged, or dipterous, flies. The larvae or maggots of these flies may invade the living or necrotic tissue of animals and humans, producing myiasis. Multiple dipterous flies are thought to be capable of producing ocular myiasis. It is thought that the larvae are embedded in the eye, that they burrow directly through the sclera and then under the retina. Typically, they leave asymptomatic tracks throughout the fundus, but a number of cases of destructive endophthalmitis have been reported, particularly from Scandinavia.
In mitosis of a single cell, the nucleus B) splits into two.
The answer is D.
Species diversity has been increasing through decades of years.