<span>Interstate Commerce Commission I would say!
Correct Answer:
Germany was willing to take an aggressive stance with its neighbors.
Totalitarianism is a form of government where there is no permission for any individual to express himself or herself freely without any fear (No freedom). The people's aspect of living is subjugated to the hands of the state. And, also, any form of dissent among the people, is met with harsh punishment sometimes leading to death.
<em>The document tends to point out the characteristic related to totalitarianism about Germany's determination to take an aggressive stance with its neighbours. This is what influenced them during World War 2 leading to forceful take over of most european countries.</em>
Malcolm X was an African-American Muslim priest, human rights activist, and prominent leader of black nationalists who served as president of the Nation of Islam during the 1950s and 1960s. As an excellent speaker, Malcolm X managed to get his numerous listeners to his side. His speeches addressed the identity, uncompromisingness and independence of blacks, and he encouraged his followers to defend themselves “by any means,” including violent means if necessary.
Malcolm X fell victim to assassins in February 1965. His legacy is evident in society and popular culture to this day: Malcolm helped, among other things, change the terms Negro and colored to their current forms of black and African American. The later Black Power movement was based on his criticism and ideals.