Her legs are smooth
Yours are not
Hers are meant for the beach
Yours are meant for pants
Pant wearers are destined for greatness
I don't see any thing wrong with the sentences
His first statement in the poem does the contrasting, which says;
"Yesterday, I lay awake in the palm of the night".
In effect he was saying just as an innocent child goes to bed, so the victims were alive just the day before horrific event of September 11.
Further into the night the innocent child experiences a change, which was expressed with the words;
"A soft rain stole in, unhelped by any breeze". This saying indicates how the innocent people experienced a change that made them victims of a horrific event that claimed their lives.
Gender equality is very important because it is not good to say that one gender is superior than the other. Everyon must be treated equally regardless of their gender, religion, caste, etc. and that is real freedom. Both men and women can work towards the development of a nation. They can share ideas and their views on how to make this world a better place. Everyone must be given a chance to express themselves, so that is why I say gender equality is important. Hope this answer helps. I know it's not really informative, so, apologies. Thank you. ❤️