this is called deforestation, because we are cutting down the forest for us humans to use the land.
By studying seismic waves
Humans create savannas by burning grasslands and cutting down trees so they can plant crops.
With increased globalization, peoples food tastes have become increasing similar as the exposure to more pop culture foods increase around the world. The impact of this is increased intake of unhealthy food as the most common forms of pop culture food is fast food.
Globalization in food can be described as like food produced by major companies, that being said the spread of foods like that can have more people eat/enjoy/start to crave said food increasing the spread of unhealthy food which can increase global obesity due to the accessibility of said food.
Law of faunal succession, observation that assemblages of fossil plants and animals follow or succeed each other in time in a predictable manner, even when found in different places.