Do something that is worth your time everyday. Be productive in life and don't waste your days coasting along. Stand out and choose your own path and follow it.
The symbol that Egyptian artists included in their works is aureus (royal cobra) symbolizing Lower Egypt. The correct answer is A. This sacred serpent was used to represent ultimate power in Egypt, so as to show someone's royalty, divinity,etc
1. Vision after the Sermon uses the style of synthetic symbolism
2. Gauguin was famous for his style, synthetic symbolism and primitivism.
3. He urged Van Gogh to move away from darker colors.
4. Van Gogh was inspired by Gauguin.
5. He was influenced by paintings from the impressionism era.
6. He was confident to use bright colors.
7. Van Gogh wanted to be a monk.
8. The religious symbolism was Protestantism.
9. Don McLean's "Vincent" was inspired by Starry Night.
one direction
just look for a picture of the members of one direction and u will verify they are them