since water takes a long time to heat up and a long time to cool down, land masses along these coastal regions have more moderate temperature ranges than those of land masses inland on the same latitude
Answer : a mountain or a hill that is being created on the Earth's crust when magma lands on the surface.
A volcano is also referred to as the vent that facilitates the transport of molten rock from deepest part of the Earth towards the its surface. The magma or the molten rock that erupts from the volcano is called lava. Lava is responsible for the construction of the cone that surrounds the vent of the volcano. A volcano that erupts magma turned to lava is called and active volcano while the volcano that has not erupted for quite some time is called dormant volcano.
The moon makes one full rotation around the earth every month (29.53 days). This means that it makes one 360 degree rotation every ~30 days, which is 12 degrees of movement per day.
Since the earth rotates once every day, so it makes one 360 degree rotation every 24 hours.
To determine how many 'hours' later 12 degrees is, do: 12 degrees / 360 degrees * 24 hours(in a day) = .8 hours, which if you multiply by 60 you get 48 minutes.
ikd lol, its the future so