Through the gorges like Khyber pass.
planetesimal assembly
The accretion model, also known as planetesimal assembly, is what gives us the perspective for the formation of the astronomical objects via the process of accretion. Some of the astronomical objects that are formed by this process are the galaxies, stars, planets,and moons. The process of accretion represents the accumulation of particles into an object by gravitationally attracting more and more matter, mostly gaseous matter, forming an accretion disk.
This is an example of Morphological and structural adaptation
The morphological and structural adaptation is an anatomical adaptation, where living beings exhibit some characteristics that allow them to survive according to the environment in which they are, either promoting a camouflage, or resembling animals that are dangerous to frighten possible predators.
An example of this can be seen in the question above, where the hare, in order to survive and reproduce, allow the hair to become white as snow, and can camouflage themselves in the environment in which they are.
The answer is <span>percipitation!
Have a nice day</span>